About Skyline Harmony Chorus

Skyline Harmony Chorus welcomes women of any age, race, nationality, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender expression to drop by for a visit!   We are central Virginia's chorus of choice for female vocalists who seek the challenge and joy of 4-part a cappella singing.  Skyline is an affiliate of Sweet Adelines International. 

Our voice parts: We have a voice part suited to every woman, whether you sing low, high or in between. We will help you determine which of the following parts is best for your voice.

  • Lead: This voice part carries the melody. The lead singer must be accurate, independent and able to sing her melody line so the other voices can tune and blend with her. The lead's range is from A below middle C to an octave above middle C. 
  • Tenor: The tenor provides the highest harmony part, singing above the leads and often tuning to the basses. The tenor's range is from the E above middle C to a high F. 
  • Baritone: This harmony part, which mainly sings below the lead, is characterized by unusual intervals and the internal notes that complete each chord. The baritone sings within the same range as the lead. 
  • Bass: This is the lowest harmony part, providing the foundation of the chords for the other three voice parts. A bass's range is from D below middle C to an E above middle C. 

So come join in the fun!!  Rehearsals are on Thursday nights from 6:45 to 9:30 at Aldersgate United Methodist Church!

Copyright © 2025 Skyline Harmony Chorus